Monday, November 18, 2013

Maybe It's Because You Suck?

If I could make one Facebook request, it would be that people learn when to use apostrophes. Or that Bitstrips were gone. Or maybe that people would stop trying to have any kind of political discourse. Jesus, why do I even use Facebook?

Ok, let's focus on this week's most annoying thing about Facebook, which is people who post stupid shit like, "Oh, thanks for inviting me" or anything like that about events to which they apparently were not invited. And based on their whiny post, my guess is that their invite went missing because they suck. Seriously, how entitled to you have to be to think that you should be invited to all these things? Do you really think these people want your bitchy ass on their vacations with them? Or at dinner? Or really anywhere? I'm shocked that you haven't been deleted from their Friend list, and slightly less surprised that no one has just straight out deleted you from life.

I am going to run a mini-experiment, which is probably going to cause me a great deal of annoyance. Since someone today complained about not being invited to something that they had probably previously expressed no interest whatsoever in, I am going to see if the idiotic friends of my friends can go one week without the words "thanks" "invite" and "me" appearing together. If they do, I will celebrate by drinking a beer or three. And if they can't, I will mourn the stupidity of the world with a beer or three. And maybe delete Facebook. I can only imagine that decision freeing up some time in my life and decreasing the amount of annoying things I deal with substantially. Facebook: Making the World Stupid Day by Day. It's their unofficial slogan.


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