Monday, August 8, 2011

Shaving . . .

sucks. Yup, it's mmmmopinion's second blog on shaving since May. But mine doesn't have fancy charts, it only has my usual poorly written paragraphs. But I'm not just going to tell you that shaving sucks, I'm going to tell you why shaving sucks, or probably more specifically, why I suck at shaving. Chances are if you've seen me in the last year, I had some sort of hobo stubble on my face. And by chances, I mean there was a 100% chance. That's right. Ol' Slick went an entire year without shaving. "But Slick," you protest, "Why didn't you have some sort of crazy ZZ Top beard?" Well, that's because every so often I would use my trusty WAHL beard trimmer. (WAHL, only the finest in home grooming!) But I caved. I gave into the peer pressure. I finally shaved. And let me tell you . . . shaving sucks.

Before I begin to tell you why shaving sucks, and I'm sure you're on pins and needles, let me tell you why I stopped shaving. The easy answer would be because I'm lazy. And that's also the correct answer. But it's also because since I've graduated from college, on 3 separate occasions someone has asked me if I have plans for school. And after I tell them I've already graduated, they all have the same reaction, "Oh well, it's just because you look so young. That's a good thing." Really? Fuck you, bitch. You made a mistake, just live with it.

So that's the background, now the actual shaving part. And here's where my stupidity really shines. Seriously, I may be the dumbest smart kid you know OR the smartest dumb kid. Now, one would think that when using sharpened metal blades on one's face, they would be sure to take the necessary time to do it right and do it safely. Nope. Not me. If I could shave my face in 3.5 seconds I would certainly give it a try. I'm like Peter Griffin with his desk fan razor. I don't know why I try to rush it. I just do. "What, it's been like 2 minutes already? WHY DOES THIS TAKE SO LONG? GAAAAAAH!!!!" And as you would imagine, I usually end up cutting myself. But don't worry, the ladies like a little blood on the neck so it works out alright. And as you also might have imagined, trying to set a world speed record lends itself to a sloppy performance. I can't tell you the number of times I've shaved right before leaving my house, only to realize that I've missed a pretty sizeable spot somewhere on my jaw line. And then I have to spend the entire time until I get back to my house worrying whether or everyone can see how much of a moron I am.

So not only do I suck at shaving because I have the attention span of a pug, but shaving sucks because it always makes my beard grow in itchier. That's just really aggravating because itchy beard means I have to shave again. And then the retarded cycle repeats itself.

2 posts in one week? It's a 2011 Slick record.



  1. Shaving is the worst. You should get electrolysis.

  2. Electrolysis is torture! I wouldn't recommend it!
