Monday, March 7, 2011

Reply vs Reply All

Here at Mmmm, opinions, we try to be as helpful as possible without actually doing work. Today I'm here to improve your email abilities!

Have you ever gotten an email that actually requires a response? I know it's hard to believe, but occasionally one will slip in between the requests from Nigerian princes and the offers for free Viagra. You might have noticed that you have two options: "Reply" and "Reply All." Guess what! They aren't the same thing.

In case you are a moron, let's quickly go over the difference between the two. Clicking "Reply" will send a response only to the original sender of the email. In general, this is what you want to do, as there is a 96% chance that nobody else in the world gives a flying crap about what you have to say. Clicking "Reply All," on the other hand, will send a response email to the original sender and everyone else who got the original email. This is probably most likely to be used in a business context, or when trying to organize a group activity through email. And let's face it, that second one almost never succeeds.

Still confused? Well, your borderline mental handicap aside, maybe a story will help.

This story is completely hypothetical, of course. The imaginary email will be in italics.

Hey all,
Looking for 2 people to help run a cross-country meet on Smarch 3rd. Let me know if you're available.
Joe Coachguy

Now, which response do you think is appropriate? If you chose "Reply," congratulations! You aren't a moron. If you chose "Reply All," you're probably one of the fools that officiates a sport with me and annoys me on an annual basis. Guess what! Myself, and probably everyone else who officiates, doesn't care that you are available on that date. And we don't need your stupid emails clogging up our inboxes. I, for one, have important stuff to do. Like helping Nigerian princes get their money out of their war-torn homelands.

Man, I am waiting on like 12 of those guys. What is taking them so long?


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