Tuesday, February 9, 2010

3 Days, 3 Posts is . . .

either an accomplishment to be proud of or a reason to look for more extracurricular activities. Either way, here are some things that grind my gears.

The Chase Commercials
For those of you that don't remember what these are, they're the black and white commercials where the wife is acting like a total bitch. First she takes all of their hard-earned points and spends them on a dress. A fucking dress. That's really thoughtful. You could've gone on a nice vacation or to a fancy restaurant, but she picks a dress. Bitch. Then they're on the chairlift and he wants to check how much money they have left in their account or something. I don't know I wasn't really paying attention. But she's all like, "You don't have enough time to check." JUST LET THE MAN MAKE HIS PHONECALL. Even if he had to hang up, which he didn't, why do you have to act like a total bitch about it? I will not "Chase what matters." I don't really hate those commercials, I just hate that bitch. Bitch.

The New LeBron/Kobe Puppet Commercial
I've only seen it once, but I already hate it. I think they're in a barbershop or something stupid when, and this one's a curveball, Zyldrunas Ilgauskus walks in. Oh goody. LeBron and Big Z go through some stupid handshake routine that's even more frustrating than their pre-game antics which I so thoroughly detest. I don't really have much to say about this one other than I'm glad to see that even in a down economy the less-fortunate or "retarded" can still find work. But I suppose I should say the "R-word" so Sarah Palin doesn't throw a hissy-fit. Bitch.

Cooking Pasta
This isn't really an opinion as much as a confession. I know how to cook pasta. I do it several times a week because it's relatively, ok really, simple. I've got a little system: when the pasta's cooked I drain the water. Fool proof. But here's the problem. I usually buy a 2 pound box or something in that neighborhood because it lasts for a while. But I always, always, ALWAYS overestimate the amount of pasta I need. Tonight I cooked some elbow macaroni and even after eating two huge servings and Matt eating a huge serving I still had enough pasta fore 2 maybe 3 meals. I wasn't even close. I haven't overestimated anything this badly since like last weekend when I tried to eat 6 pounds of shrimp.


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