Monday, February 8, 2010

Zombieland is . . .

really funny and receives the coveted "Bill Dias Seal of Approval." You may be thinking, "Slick literally just wrote a post yesterday. Why is he already writing another one?" Well, because I forgot to put this in my last post. And I didn't feel like adding it to the last one because then you might not have realized that there was something new to the post and would have missed it. And I can't disappoint all 6 of you. I just can't.

In my typical movie review fashion I'll answer my three movie questions, make some non-topical references, and by the end we'll be slightly better friends. Question 1: Would I watch this movie again? No question about it, I would absolutely watch it again. Question 2: Would I pay to watch this in theaters? Like District 9, that's not really an option here. But I definitely suggest that you watch this movie. Question 3: Does this movie make sense? Yeah, there's some questionable character decisions but it's not Transformers 2 level ridiculous. Seriously, that movie is so dumb. It's entertaining, but it DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE! Sorry, it's still a sore subject. But back to Zombieland. My biggest problem with the movie is that it just isn't long enough. I went over to Wikipedia to check out how long it was because I don't think that qualifies as legitimate research and you know how we feel about that. It's only 81 minutes. They easily could have added 15 to 20 minutes to the movie and not make it feel stretched out. Give a little more backstory about why there are so many zombies and throw in some more character development and I feel like they could have had an excellent movie. I give it somewhere between a 7.5 and a 8.5, a very entertaining movie but plenty of room for improvement.

You may remember from my Book of Eli review that I like to end my posts on the lighter side. Well, may I present A Small List of Things that Survive a Zombie Apocalypse:
1. Weapons. Apparently they become the new oxygen, those things are just everywhere. And bullets, you need bullets but you're in luck cause those little fuckers are ubiquitous.
2. Awkward Boy-Girl moments. Oh that takes me back . . . to like yesterday.
3. Gasoline. I don't know. I couldn't think of a funny joke.
4. Nick Names. Not as cool as those Paintball nicknames but it's the end of the world, so everybody's gotta make sacrifices.

Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered. But don't touch Patches, he wants to keep his.


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