Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Kingdom is . . .

freakin sweet. The Kingdom is a movie from 2007 but thanks to the magic of Netflix and our Playstation 3, as well as Chuck's hefty bank account, we watched it for the first time last night. And it didn't disappoint.

It's a movie review so you know the deal. However, it's coming at you with a new twist. A colleague of mine correctly pointed out that one of my questions goes to waste when I don't see a movie in the theaters. Therefore I'm introducing a new ratings system based on how strongly I recommend it. The system will be broken down thusly, that's right I said thusly: A Must Watch, A Should Watch, An If you have nothing better to do, An "Eh, Unimpressed", A Not Worth It, and finally, the much dreaded "Transformers 2". I really can't get across how much I dislike that movie. I was watching South Park the other day and the episode about the Passion of the Christ was on. In it, Stan and Kenny are so mad about seeing the Passion that they go all the way to Mel Gibson's house to ask for a refund. That's NOT EVEN CLOSE to how mad I am that I saw Transformers 2 in theaters. The Family Guy-Stewie-Bewitched gag also comes to mind, but again, its not even close. I feel dumber for having seen that movie. Michael Bay, may God have mercy on your soul. But once again, I digress.

The Kingdom is set in a post-9/11 Saudi Arabia. I imagine that you can figure out the conflict of the movie. Hmmm Americans, Muslims, post 9/11 . . . what could the conflict of the movie be? However, since this movie receives my first ever "Should Watch", I won't ruin it for you. I'll just make some observations, point out some problems I have and at the end of the review I'll have made myself feel a little better by criticizing someone else's work. That's America baby. Question 1: Would I watch this movie again? Unequivocally yes. This movie was pretty badass. Not without some flaws, which I'll address, but I really liked it. Question 2: Is this movie theater worthy? Like most of the movies I see, this isn't really an option. But in light of my new system I will modify this question to "Would I be mad if I had seen this movie in theaters?" Easy answer- No, absolutely not. Question 3: Does this movie make sense? Here's where we come into my issues with this movie. Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Jason Bateman, and the bad guy from the first Bourne movie are an FBI squad sent into Saudi Arabia to investigate . . . some stuff. That is just a really strange cast. It didn't really bother me when I was watching it but the more I think about it, the more I'm just confused by it. Why Jason Bateman? He didn't really add anything to the movie. Why Jennifer Garner? They totally failed to capitalize on her bimbolike good looks. Whatever. Also, despite the fact that they are FBI investigation team they end up acting like total fucking badasses, which I guess would be part of FBI training? Maybe? Nevertheless my biggest problem with the movie is Jeremy Piven. I cannot figure out why he is in this movie. If you've seen it, you probably know what I'm talking about. Was it a setup? "It's a twix! They were all Twix! It was a setup! A setup I tell ya!" But was it a setup? I don't think so, but Matt does. So that's that.

In response to Jon's Al Gore/Global Warming comment I would just like to point out that they've had 2 blizzards in Washington D.C. this year. That means that Al Gore just made it up.

Also, I made pasta today and managed to cook an appropriate amount. It's about the little victories.



  1. I have no opinion on global warming that is based on any kind of reality, so I will not dive into that pool.

    My issue with Al Gore is that he rails against pollution and things that cause global warming, then uses nearly as much energy himself as an entire town. So he's a hypocrite. Plus his book blows. It's the first book that I have fallen asleep reading on multiple occasions. Should this be a comment, or an addition to your post? It's getting kind of long.

  2. I believe that this warrants it's own post.
