Thursday, February 18, 2010

CNBC's curling coverage is. . .

simply awful. Seriously. I hate them. I am not sure who "they" are, but someone has to be in charge of this, and they are doing a horrendous job.

Let's get this out of the way right from the top. I like watching curling. It's a ridiculous "sport," but I find it entertaining. It's like bocce with ice, and who doesn't like bocce? Communists, that's who. Are you a communist?

Thus, I find it quite annoying when I'm all settled in with a nice beer ready to watch some sweet curling action, and for some reason I keep missing what is going on. For instance, I am not sure that the 3rd end of the men's match yesterday started with each team already having thrown 2 stones. Or that the 5th end started on Switzerland's 2nd stone. Seriously, do I need to see 41 commercials for Mad Money? Answer: no, I do not. Just show me the Olympics! It comes around once every 4 years, I think we can take a break from the day-to-day bullshit on this stupid channel for a couple weeks.

There is plenty of downtime in curling. I am actually pretty sure the majority of the sport is downtime with brief breaks for action. Can't they fit in the Mad Money stuff then?

This is probably why I seem to remember that somewhere is reporting that NBC is somehow losing $200 million from the Olympics. Maybe they are also in charge of the Cleveland Orchestra. Why is everyone in charge of things clearly stupid?


PS - Bob Costas just said the following: "Alright so the woman from Down Under goes up and over the competition." Yeah, so there's no hope for Olympic coverage after all.

PPS - Some announcer chick just said this about the USA's throw that went through the scoring zone (house): "She's either . . . been heavy [thrown too hard] like that, or short." Yup, those are the only 2 ways to mess up. Brilliant commentating.

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