Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The DVR is Still Useless

You may have had the privilege of reading my previous entry on the cable service provided to my current residence. If you have not read it, you should probably read it now so that this will make more sense. I'll sit here and try to figure out why Heidi Watney is wearing a long coat and scarf in the 60 degree Oakland weather. Silly woman.

Now, for the majority of the time recently, everything has been functioning at an acceptable level. The picture gets a little funky once in a while, but it's usually during something I don't care too much about, like a rerun of Family Guy. It's almost like the cable is specifically targeting Fox. However, the other day the cable decided it had lain low long enough, and it made its attack.

The DVR only recorded half of Burn Notice. This is a major problem.

I like Burn Notice. I look forward to watching the new episodes on Friday morning. This is one of the highlights of my week, as my life is somewhat sad and pathetic. I was thus very upset when my program was not recorded. Now I have no idea what wacky hijinx Michael Westen got up to last week. (PS - Matt does a pretty hilarious Michael Westen impression.)

How in the world is this acceptable? Also, in what world would I schedule a recording to cover only the first 32 minutes of the show? This is ridiculous. The DVR has been programmed to record this show for the last 15 months. Obviously I didn't change any settings now. I also looked at the scheduled recordings and it claims it will be recording Burn Notice every Thursday night from 9:00-10:02 (you never know when things will spill over). This is clearly a case where I did NOT screw up. You're on notice, DVR.

I have rescheduled the foolish thing to be sure that everything is set up correctly. Stay tuned this Friday. If things go wrong again, there may be a profanity-laced post that will make you think Slick is writing it.


Editor's note - I wrote this last night but dated it this morning so that I wouldn't over-post Slick's random beach musings. It's also weird that we both wrote something about Heidi Watney. Get out of my head!!!

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