Sunday, October 31, 2010

Shameless Self-Promotion

Have you ever thought to yourself, "Wow, I really love reading Mmmm, [whatever], but there aren't nearly enough stories!"? Do you find that your attention span is too short to read my incredibly long treatises of brilliance? Was the last post I wrote so epically awesome that you stood up at your computer and cheered? Do you wish that you could experience my hilarity in doses of 140 characters or fewer?

You are in luck!

After drinking a few beers the other night, I convinced myself that I needed a Twitter account for. . . actually I don't really know why. I think because someone put Nickelback, then Jewel, then Tom Petty on in that order on the jukebox at the Lighthouse, and I thought that other people needed to know this information. That's just a weird combination of music. Unfortunately, I have a very strict policy against updating Facebook statuses multiple times per day, so that option was out. Enter Twitter!

Some people have Twitter feeds filled with important updates, or worthy causes, or interesting news. Mine will have none of that. It will be random nonsense, and hopefully contain humour. Other than that, keep your expectations low.

If you're interested in following this undiluted awesomeness, which you obviously should be since you read the stuff here already, the name is TheRealMrDias. Maybe I can get more followers than Kanye.


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