Sunday, January 17, 2010

Coffeehouse Porter is. . .

delicious! I was a bit wary going in because I have had some bad experiences with porters in the past, but this one was a winner.

The Coffeehouse Porter is a Berkshire Brewing Company beer that I had never even heard of before. Side note - if you want to see a website that was clearly thrown together with little forethought or web design skill, go check out the BBC site. I'll wait.

Done? Seriously, what is going on there? Not that I have much to say, since I am using an online site that does all the code for me. . .

Right, back to the beer. We were eating dinner at Cafe Martin in some part of northern Western MA, and the beer list was a little lean. I had been there before, and was pretty underwhelmed by the River Ale. Combining that with the fact that Kathryn and I drink quite a bit of Steel Rail, the Coffeehouse was my last option. Good choice! It seemed to have real coffee in it or something. I could probably look it up on the previously mentioned website, but I'd rather let you do it.

I am not sure this will be swinging my opinion of other porters though. Especially the Honey Porter by Sam Adams. That one is just bad.

Final verdict? Give it a try. At least it's not Scotch Ale!!


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