Thursday, May 13, 2010

So I've Pretty Much Stopped Reviewing Things

Apparently the temporary hiatus due to family stuff has been simultaneously lifted by Slick and myself. That is kind of wild that we both would get back to the blog on the same day. The only thing that might be even crazier would be if Matt wrote something.

Secretly, I always knew that this was where my part of the blog was going to end up eventually, so I don't feel bad about it at all. I really just like writing, but I have a terrible time getting started most of the time. Writing opinions gives me a, for all intents and purposes, unlimited source of topics. However, it also forces me into a certain mold, which is something I constantly fight against. Just ask Kathryn about any instance where she suggests that I do something, even if she is making the correct suggestion.

I will still be reviewing things (such as the 8 CDs I have coming in the mail. Thanks, Coinstar!), I will just also be randomly telling stories about things as well. Such as this one.

I hate mowing the lawn. Absolutely, unequivocally hate it. If I ever achieve my goal of winning the lottery or finding a suitcase/briefcase/sack with a $ sign on the side/duffel bag filled with money, hiring a landscaper is in the top 20 things to do. The first is to buy a Bounce House, mostly because I told somebody I would do that first and they said I wouldn't. In your face, Person I Can't Remember!

Today's lawn mowing attempt would probably get a D- as a grade if the teacher was one of those teachers near the end of his career who was pretty much just passing everyone in order to avoid any hassles. First and foremost, I broke the starter cord on my lawnmower because I am apparently way too strong. That is simply not a good way to start. It also meant that I had to walk over to Dad & Kelly's to borrow their mower and then walk back 5 streets while pulling it since it is not a riding mower. Since I hate mowing so much, my lawn was about 8-10 inches high and was possibly beginning to achieve sentience. It was definitely hostile to my attempts to cut it down, and somehow managed to get grass all up in my shoes. Not off to a great start.

I divide the lawn into 3 sections in my mind, mostly because the walkways to the front and side doors literally divide it into 3 sections in reality. I mowed only the first (and smallest) section today before I got fed up with that bullshit and dumped the grass clippings on the dead spot in the second section. Yeah, I'm that guy. You'd better hope that I never move next door to you, because the day I show up, you'll actually be able to hear your property value dropping. It's going to sound like those old Disney cartoons when Goofy falls off of something really high (you want the 3:08 or 5:14 mark).

Maybe I'll give some laundry a try, because at least there is a small chance of success that way.


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