Wednesday, January 12, 2011

They Who Must Not Be Named

Longtime readers of this blog may remember a while back where I may have posted a disapproving rant about a certain company responsible for bringing television-based entertainment into my house. And they might also remember that said company creepily responded to that post, but didn't actually follow up on their promises.

So be it. I'm not too worried about it.

What I am worried/annoyed about is the constant barrage of phone calls I receive from this particular company. I have made it very clear that I do not want a house phone and I do not want premium movie channels. There's no amount of talking that is going to fool me into thinking I need to add phone service to my plan. Seriously, who still uses a house phone under the age of 30?

According to my phone, I have missed a lot of calls from this place, yet never received a single voice mail. This makes me think that the calls aren't that important. Look at this crap, in reverse chronological order!
  • 1/12/11 - 12:27pm
  • 1/11/11 - 8:41pm
  • 1/11/11 - 1:47pm
  • 1/10/11 - 9:53am
  • 1/8/11 - 1:45pm
  • 1/8/11 - 10:05am
  • 1/7/11 - 12:59pm
  • 1/7/11 - 9:28am
  • 1/6/11 - 3:48pm
  • 1/6/11 - 12:20pm
  • 1/5/11 - 1:38pm
  • 1/4/11 - 1:04pm
  • 1/4/11 - 9:40am
  • 1/3/11 - 9:27am
Fourteen calls this year. Fourteen!! Are you kidding me?!? I do appreciate their attempts to mix it up by calling me at different times, thereby increasing the possibility that I might accidentally answer the phone. At least that's what they must be thinking. Fools!

It will be exciting when I move, because then I can go through all of this malarkey again. Except this time it will be with Comcast. Hooray. Also, it is possible to file a stalking complaint against a business? That might be a fun time.



  1. Comcast is wayyyyy better than Charter. Any problem I had they would practically suck my dick. $20 credits, free starz, you name it. Comcast also carries NFL Network. The greedy assholes at Charter are the only ones not carrying NFL Network. Not too mention Charter's shitty prices and the fact they overcharged us on Alden St. for channels we didn't order, good times.
