Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why I've Lost Faith In Humanity

People, and by that I mean stupid people, always wonder why our USA is hated by the rest of the world. But don't worry, Big Papa Slick has the answer: it's because most Americans are fucking retarded. It's election season which means anytime you flip to CNN or Foxnews or any of those delightful networks you get to see a bunch of fucking moron independent voters say some stupid bullshit like, "Hmmmm I don't know which candidate I'm voting for." Really? This is why the founding father's restricted voting rights . . . because most people are fucking stupid. You pick the candidate who's views are closest in line with your own, oh wait, that means you have to fucking think for yourself. But since most people are sheep, or sheeple as Stephen Colbert would say, they just wait until the last minute until they see which candidate is likely to win, then they vote for that candidate because, I don't know, peer pressure because they're fucking stupid. I hate people. But stupid ass voting pattern aside, I hate people because they say stupid shit. Like this.

Today I learned that a kid that I went to high school with lost his mother to cancer which really sucks because he's one of the nicest kids I've ever met. He's one of those guys that no one has a bad thing to say about. I can't imagine what he's going through. But then some fucking fucktard get's on facebook and says this:

"it is so very sad!!!! I am sooo sick of Cancer... I think they have a cure already but are afraid to come out with it because people are always raising money to find a cure so they are afraid of not making any more"

Really? Are you sick of cancer? Because I'm sure this kid fucking loves it. You stupid ignorant fuck. Now is not the time to spout your bullshit fucking uninformed retard theory. The worst thing is that is coming from a parent which means they have no excuse for being this retarded. I can't believe someone could be this fucking stupid. Just fuck everything.


P.S. The woman that said this was the wife of the guy who bumped into some chick at festa, causing this chick to spill her wine all over Melissa. Small, ignorant fucking world. I think I need to get out of this fucking town.

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