Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get Out and Vote. . .

Or, you know, don't. Does it really make a difference? On ballot questions, sure, but for candidates? I doubt it.

I love when I hear people say or read people's writing that says "if you don't vote, you can't complain later." Really? So if I have to choose between getting kicked in the balls or punched in the face, I can't say it hurts afterwards? Just because I have a choice, it doesn't mean that I have to like it. What if I had to choose between lobster and crab? Either one is going to make me puke, but that's the only choice I have. The other option is not eating either, but apparently that is not ok either.

That's basically what elections come down to. Do you want to get screwed over by the Democratic candidate or by the Republican candidate? After all, both of them are going to spend all your hard-earned money. If I tried to operate my life and completely ignored my budget and just spent money like crazy, I'd be broke and living in a box on the street while wearing as many of my clothes as possible and making funny signs on random pieces of cardboard or shouting incoherent nonsense at random passersby. "Don't use the toothpaste! The Russians are using it for mind control to assassinate JFK's clone!!!!" Or maybe living in Kathryn's house secretly whenever she left to go to work until she caught me and kicked me out. But I wouldn't be able to just take more money from people to continue on with my jackass shenanigans. I can't believe people aren't more outraged by that. No one would let me go over to them and take money of out their pocket without some sort of struggle, but if the government decides that the sales tax rate should go up 25% from 5 to 6.25, everyone's just cool with it. Morons. They're stealing from us!

For the record, I did vote today. And even though it's a secret ballot, I don't mind saying I only voted for Independents. But I don't expect much to change. Unless Question 1 or Question 3 passes, in which case I'll be delighted.



  1. You could liberally use the tag dumb people as a tag.

  2. You may notice that it's the most popular one. Because people, sadly, are dumb.
