Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Criticizing Stuff I Know Nothing About

There are certain things in the world I know nothing about, but hate. If you don't understand something, it is perfectly reasonable to not like it and/or criticize it. Here is a list of things I know nothing about, don't understand, and hate.

Glee - Having never been an 11-year old girl, High School Musical doesn't appeal to me. Oh wait, I forgot we are talking about Glee. I don't blame myself since they are essentially the same thing. I'm tired of these types of shows/movies trying to make singing in the high school chorus or whatever they sing in cool. First of all, the sets on this show where they sing are ridiculous, and no school could ever afford them. Secondly, not one of the cast members is even in high school. Lastly, singing in the high school chorus isn't cool.

Vampire Shows - What's worse: the fact that networks are lazy, unoriginal and recycle the same themes over and over, or that we keep watching it? Vampires are heartless, cold, undead, brutal murderers. They have no feelings. They are not handsome. They don't function in normal society. They also make for sucky movies and TV shows. (Except Buffy, that show is actually pretty cool.)

Jersey Shore - If this is what is considered attractive now, I'm going to choose to be gay.

UFC - I only like sports with pre-determined outcomes. That's why I only watch professional wrestling and the NBA.

The Birther Movement - A couple of things. 1) Barack Obama posted his birth certificate online in 2008. The Birthers want the "long" version or whatever it's called AS WELL AS Obama's college transcripts. There is a certain level of privacy one should be able to expect. If anything, I would like to see George W. Bush's high school transcript. Fuck college; I can't believe that guy got past high school. 2) A few years ago when Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor of California, Republicans were trying to amend the Constitution so that people born outside of the USA could become president. How many of these Republicans do you think are in the Birther movement?

The "Impending" Zombie Apocalypse - Look, I get it. Walking Dead is a pretty good show. However, can we stop with the Zombie Apocalypse doomsday scenarios? There are literally books called How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse and I've seen posters named "Zombie Survival Guide" that give advice on how to survive zombie attacks. There is not going to be a zombie apocalypse. I really wish there would be one though, because I'm sure Glee fans would die first.

-Pat the Intern

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