Sunday, April 18, 2010

Appeal to Reason is. . .

probably the best CD I've purchased in recent memory. And I don't think it gets nearly enough recognition, at least not from people that I know. This will hopefully rectify that.

I am not sure if I have talked about any CDs here yet, so we will pretend that I have not and come up with a format that I can stick to. I think it will look something like this.

Appeal to Reason by Rise Against.

This CD is 13 songs of musical awesomeness. Since there are approximately 4,781 different genres of music now, I don't know what it would be classified as. How about we classify it as hard alternative rock? It starts off awesome, has awesome in the middle, and then finishes off awesome. There is literally no letdown for the entire album.

Best songs - This should be self-explanatory. I will pick a random number of songs that are my favorites.

For this album, it's tough to decide, since pretty much everything is good. I would say my 3 favorite are (in no order): "Collapse," "Audience of One" and "Savior," but your mileage may vary.

Skips? - This would be songs that I don't even bother listening to. For a rap CD, this will hopefully be less than half the songs. For other CDs, this had better be less than 3, or else I will not be pleased with my purchase. Slash download. Just kidding; all my music is acquired legally. Back off, RIAA.

I would not say that any of these songs are skips. Maybe "Hero of War" if you aren't looking to listen to a mellow song after rocking out for the first 9 songs and subsequent 3. But it's still a pretty awesome song.

Final rating - Instead of using a number or stars or discs or whatever normal places use, I will be giving my final rating as some abstract statement. It's more fun that way.

For Appeal to Reason, my rating is "my musical experience would be woefully incomplete had I not listened to this album." That is good.


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