Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Don't Call It a Comeback

aaaahhhhhh . . . and so the silence is broken. I should point out that I'm supposed to be still studying for an Intro to Psychology test (because I'm a second semester senior, that's why I'm taking it), but as a much younger Bill Dias probably said, "Fuck studying." And by much younger I mean like 2 or 3 weeks ago, whenever my last test was. Seriously, I'm not sure I've ever loathed doing work this much in my life. And I worked at Randall's. It's gotten to the point where I check the work I'm supposed to be doing, see a 5 page reading assignment, and react as follows: "5 fucking pages? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you realize how long it takes to read 5 god damn pages? FUCK!!" Fuck you James Dalton. Fuck you and your stupid Law and Economics class that starts at 8:30 in the morning. What college in their right mind has classes at this ungodly hour? Fucking bullshit ones. "But Slick," you ask, "Didn't you have to sign up for this class?" Why yes, yes I did. But the problem was that this was the only economics elective open when I went to register because I had to take some stupid honors seminar, and the one I wanted to take blocked me from taking the only other elective that wasn't taught by a fucking moron so now I'm stuck taking a boring ass class on Dante and his Divine Comedy (spoiler alert: it's not that funny) and a bullshit econ class that meets at 8:30 in the morning, and I have to write a horsecrap research essay on some bullshit in Dante, which obviously I haven't started yet, so basically this semester kind of sucks. That's why I'm taking an Intro to Psychology class, because it was supposed to be easy. Also, there's absolutely no chance that other sentence is grammatically acceptable so Jon I hope you enjoy throwing commas in there or whatever it is you do when you edit my posts.

But enough ranting, it's time for me to regale you with a tale of my latest bowling excursion. Not only did I bowl a personal best 160, which was good enough to beat Evan and Alec combined, but I also had the chance to see a quite interesting fellow. And yes I'm proud that I beat the combined score of two ten year-olds. Big whoop, you wanna fight about it? Now, man who bowled next to me but almost certainly does not read this blog: I'm not calling you a loser because you brought your own ball or because you have one of those wrist thingy's or because you bobbed up and down for like 8 seconds every time before you rolled- I'm pretty sure society has already done that. I'm calling you a loser because you chose to put "Ice Dragon" as your bowling name. I'm about 98% percent confident that when you're not bowling with "Monkey" and "Frog Princess," as you lovingly called the woman and her son who you kidnapped and took bowling, that you probably play a lot of World of Warcraft. So you and my old buddy Julian have that in common. What? That was probably his wife and child? Bullshit. Nevertheless, I applaud Ice Dragon's confidence as well as his open flaunting of the law.

What? Oh right, I'm supposed to throw in some sort of actual opinion about something, not just relate some hilarious anecdotes. Well, here it is: Lost is much better than I thought it was.

There. Are you happy? Savages.


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