Sunday, March 7, 2010

Commercials That I Don't Hate . . . But It Doesn't Necessarily Mean I Like Them

I know. I was surprised to find out that there were some. No cream. No fluff. Just some good old fashioned . . . not hate.

NAPA Auto Parts:
I'm not sure if you've seen this commercial so let me break it down for you. A guy gets into his truck and goes to start it, only to find that it won't turn over. He then has the following monologue: "Oh come on. Not today. OH YOU'VE GOT TO BE [BLEEP]IN ME" I'm not making this up, they really censor their own commercial which I think is hilarious. Who intentionally makes a commercial so that it will have to be censored? Well, I mean you've read the blog so you know that I would, but it still shocks me that anyone else would. So kudos NAPA.

Bernie and Phyll's "Two and Half Men" Takeoff:
Now, I'm almost positive that no one's seen this one so I'm definitely going to break this badboy down. I usually make dinner sometime between 6:30 and 7:30 so I almost always throw Two and a Half Men on at 7. So the first time I heard it I was cooking in the kitchen and the episode ended. The "Men men men men manly men men men. . ." song comes on as the credits roll . . . no big deal. But then the song started again. Naturally perplexed, I glanced at the tv to see some chick with really broad shoulders doing the "manly men men" song. Huh? She's then joined by two dudes so at this point I'm confused as all hell. They finish the song and then it's just some regular bullshit furniture commercial with some really bad acting. So apparently the genius advertising department of Bernie and Phyll decided that their money was well spent appealing specifically to the audience that watches Two and a Half Men at 7 on channel 10 on whatever cable BC provides. Now normally I would hate this commercial because it's so stupid, but I'm just too confused by the thought process behind it.

St. Mary's Credit Union:
Because when I think of St. Mary, I almost immediately go to money lending. It's just a little baffling. I've never claimed to be a Bible expert but I'm pretty sure Jesus threw the money lenders out of the temple, but his mother loves dolling out the sheckles. Simply baffling.

And now I'll end things on a less confusing although very frustrating note. I spent the weekend on Martha's Vineyard and we took a much dreaded mystery trip around the island. Eventually we came to a town called Gay Head. Seriously. You can look it up. Apparently they changed the name like 10 years ago but nobody gives a shit and they still call it Gay Head. So we're in Gay Head and we're running around with Patches and he meets a group of dogs. He's jumping around being a maniac when he decides he's going to get a little more intimate, so he started licking another dog's wiener. In Gay Head. The irony was not lost on me.


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