Monday, March 22, 2010

The Town of Ludlow is. . .

apparently run by morons. I know, I was also surprised to find out that a small, suburban town with a dominant ethic population wasn't exactly running a tight ship. Now, there are probably a whole lot of reasons that I could choose from, but that would take a good 5-6 hours and I'd still probably forget a few. Today, I'm just going to focus on one thing. Maybe this will become a recurring thing, like the commercial hatred so often found at this site.

Also, this was going to be a Facebook status update in the form of a letter to the town, but then I realized I used up today's status update making fun of Mom and couldn't let that go to waste. Alright, let's look at the evidence.

Today is local election day, and as I always do my civic duty (heh heh, duty), I felt obligated to vote. Also, because I wanted to corrupt the voting process by making silly write-in votes. If Melissa Santos wins a seat on the Board of Selectmen, you know who to thank. Now, issue number one with the town is that there is a voting precinct roughly 300 yards from my house, but I do not vote there. And as it turns out, I also don't vote at the precinct where I currently live.

Listen, Town, I work for you. Let's not get hung up on the semantics of how much work I actually do, the main idea here is that I am employed by you. Also, I have had 3 different addresses since I started working for you, which I realize could be confusing unless I had clearly indicated to you that I had moved. Wait, I did do that. Please tell me how you managed to track me from Center to Munsing, but not from Munsing to King. You are capable of correctly labeling my paychecks. You send me correspondence at this address. You literally sent me my excise tax form in the past few weeks! How do you not know that I moved? Actually more importantly, since you clearly knew I moved, how come you didn't update the voter registration?

Let me save you some time. It's because the people in charge there are stupid or lazy. Probably lazy, but stupid is more fun. Maybe when I am retired from teaching I could get a job in the town hall. I am lazy, and I can act stupid. Things are looking up for the future.

Apologies to Slick from knocking his post out so quickly. However, stupidity on this scale can't be ignored.


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