Friday, March 26, 2010

Harpoon Crystal Wheat is. . .

delicious, and tastes like beer lemonade. That doesn't really sound good, but imagine the awesomeness of beer combined with the awesomeness of lemonade. And good lemonade. Not crappy lemonade because your grandmother combined it with terrible iced tea to make a half-assed Arnold Palmer. And then, no matter what, there was always sand in it when you went to the beach. Even if you drank some on the way there. It was like magic sand. That is bullshit.

Ok, back on topic. At least for a little while.

Alex had some beer in his fridge, but I picked up some extra Blackbeary Wheats just in case the fridge ran out of beer. He already had grabbed the Harpoon mixed pack, which was made up of the Harpoon UFO, the aforementioned Crystal Wheat, and something else that is like 15 feet away right now and I just can't be bothered to get up. Maybe I'll update this later.*

The Crystal Wheat is a quality brew, if you like lemon flavor. If you don't like lemons, you will definitely want to avoid this one. Actually, you will want to get it, then bring it to my house so I can drink it for you. And laugh at you for not liking good beers. Fool!

Final verdict? I like it! Which means you should like it.


* - I will not be updating this post. That's not how we do things here are Mmmm, Opinions. The only things that change are when I go back and read the posts to find all the grammatical mistakes, or add an excessive amount of commas to previous posts. Keep your eyes peeled for Mmmm, Commas.

1 comment:

  1. MMMM Commas is an improvement over my proposed MMMM Comas.
